Our family of Moor's heads is growing: here is Mata and Grifone in Giardino.
Our couple of Moor's heads from Caltagirone was born from a legend that speaks of an unrequited love that finally blossomed in Messina between a beautiful girl named Marta, Mata in dialect, and Grifone, a very tall Saracen soldier, dedicated to piracy.
It is thanks to love that Grifone changed his life by renouncing raids and becoming a man
that Mata could love.
Finally, from this love many children were born and tradition has it that our characters are
the progenitors of the inhabitants of Messina.
Crita continues its journey in the gardens of Sicily bringing Mata and Grifone in Giardino to
the stage. Lush and fragrant gardens that for centuries have surrounded the villas of
delights that dot our island. Gardens that smell of oranges, lemons and sensual loves
consumed among the evergreen leaves of these trees, which have always been a source
of delight and beauty.
Topped with an elegant citrus crown, Mata and Grifone's turbans become even richer
and royalty. Two Moor's heads made of beauty and nature that only Caltagirone
ceramics are able to achieve.
This ceramic product, entirely handmade in Caltagirone, can become a wedding favor, a corporate gift, a gift for your guests. Contact us at info@critaceramiche.com to request a quote with a special price.
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